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What's the value of
my property?

We are an independent agent that focuses on the personal service. Each and every customer is treated individually to suit their needs. We understand how stressful buying/selling and moving home can be and we are committed to helping our customers through the entire process.


Having over 35 years in the profession, our aim is to provide bespoke and pro-active advice, using traditional values together with up-to-date technology which allows us to provide a service to our client that appreciates their needs. 


We are a friendly and approachable team and we are fully committed on selling properties for our customers and provide a high level of personal service that sets us aside from other agents. 

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The rise of the first time buyer

In 2016, 42% of mortgage loans for homes were issued to first-time buyers

22.04.17 Debra Timmis
Our new site is live!

Have a browse around our new responsive website

02.05.17 Debra Timmis
IE8 Alert! Cookie Alert!

To get the best possible experience using our website we recommend you upgrade to a modern web browser. More info

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